Featured stories today

The Bat and the Weasels

1 min read

A Bat fell to the ground and was caught by a Weasel, and was just going to be killed and eaten when it begged to be let go. The Weasel said he couldn’t do that because he was an enemy of all birds on principle. “Oh, but,” said the Bat, “I’m not a bird at […]

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The Tale of Ivan

6 min read

There were formerly a man and a woman living in the parish of Llanlavan, in the place which is called Hwrdh. And work became scarce, so the man said to his wife, “I will go search for work, and you may live here.” So he took fair leave, and travelled far toward the East, and […]

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Brälgah the Dancing Bird

10 min read

Brälgah Numbardee was very fond of going out hunting with her young daughter Brälgah. Her tribe used to tell her she was foolish to do so. That some day the Wurrawilberoo would catch them. It was not for old Brälgah Numbardee that the Daens cared, but all the camp were proud of young Brälgah. She […]

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Valiant Vicky, the Brave Warrior

13 min read

Once upon a time there lived a little weaver, by name Victor Prince, but because his head was big, his legs thin, and he was altogether small, and weak, and ridiculous, his neighbours called him Vicky—Little Vicky the Weaver. But despite his size, his thin legs, and his ridiculous appearance, Vicky was very valiant, and […]

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Sigurd at the House of the Nibelungs

7 min read

He left Hindfell and he came into a kingdom that was ruled over by a people that were called the Nibelungs as Sigurd’s people were called the Volsungs. Giuki was the name of the King of that land. Giuki and his Queen and all their sons gave a great welcome to Sigurd when he came […]

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The Fox and the Hedgehog

1 min read

A Fox, in swimming across a rapid river, was swept away by the current and carried a long way downstream in spite of his struggles, until at last, bruised and exhausted, he managed to scramble on to dry ground from a backwater. As he lay there unable to move, a swarm of horseflies settled on […]

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The Golden Cockerel

7 min read

In country far, and days long gone, There lived a famous Tsar — Dadon. When young, his strength was held in awe By all his neighbours: he made war Whenever he declared it right. With age, he grew less keen to fight, Desiring his deserved peace: Struggle should stop; war’s clamour cease. His down-trod neighbours […]

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The Hare and the Hedgehog

8 min read

This story, my dear young folks, seems to be false, but it really is true, for my grandfather, from whom I have it, used always, when relating it, to say complacently, “It must be true, my son, or else no one could tell it to you.” The story is as follows. One Sunday morning about […]

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