Sophie Ségur
Author Sophie Ségur is also known as Comtesse de Ségur (The Countess of Segur). She was a French writer from Russian descent. She is known for her stories for children, including the collection Old French Fairy Tales. The fairy tales in the collection portray children having fantastical adventures and are broken into several parts. In each tale, people encounter talking animals, fairies, and other elements that are familiar to those who love fairy tales.
The Countess grew up the daughter of Count Fyodor Rostopchin, who was lieutenant-general and Minister of Foreign Affairs for Russia. He was also the governor of Moscow during the invasion of the Grande Armée under Napoleon I of France in 1812. She was the mother of eight children, and wrote her first novel two years shy of 60. One of her most famous works is the children’s novel Les Malheurs de Sophie (“Sophie’s Misfortunes), which is so popular in France that Google honored it with a Google Doodle in August 2014, on the occasion of what would have been Ségur’s 215th birthday.
Fairy tales by Sophie Ségur
- Blondine Part X: The Journey and Arrival
- Blondine Part I: Blondine
- Blondine Part IX: The Tortoise
- Blondine Part VIII: Repentance
- Blondine Part VII: The Parrot
- Blondine Part VI: Blondine's Second Awakening
- Blondine Part V: Bonne-Biche
- Blondine Part IV: Blondine's Awakening—Beau-Minon
- Blondine Part III: The Forest of Lilacs
- Blondine Part II: Blondine Lost
- Good Little Henry Part I: The Poor Sick Mother
- Good Little Henry Part II: The Crow, the Cock, and the Frog
- Good Little Henry Part III: The Harvest
- Good Little Henry IV: The Vintage
- Good Little Henry Part V: The Chase
- Good Little Henry Part VI: The Fishing
- Good Little Henry Part VII:The Plant of Life
- The Little Grey Mouse Part IV: The Tree in the Rotunda
- The Little Grey Mouse Part V: The Casket
- The Little Grey Mouse Part II: The Fairy Detestable
- The Little Grey Mouse Part I: The Little House
- The Little Grey Mouse Part III: Prince Gracious
- Ourson XIII: The Recompense
- Ourson Part XII: The Combat
- Ourson Part XI: The Sacrifice
- Ourson Part X: The Farm, the Castle, the Forge
- Ourson Part IX: The Well
- Ourson Part VIII: The Conflagration
- Ourson Part VII: The Wild Boar
- Ourson Part VI: Violette's Sacrifice
- Ourson Part V: The Toad Again
- Ourson Part IV: The Dream
- Ourson Part III: Violette
- Ourson Part II: Birth and Infancy of Ourson
- Ourson Part I: The Lark and the Toad