Your Name

Corey Chapman July 9, 2017
Animals, Fable, Humor
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Your Eyes
I… Was just Minding my Business
You… Were just Standing there
I… Didn’t Mean to be Rude
I… Couldn’t Help But Stare
There…was just Something
About… You
I… Couldn’t tell if I Was Something in your Eyes
Maybe if it was just Something about how you looked in your Hair
The Only thing I Knew for Certain
That… There was Not another like You in that Room
Not a One…
Who… Could even Slightly Compare
I… Went into my Head
Asking all those Familiar questions we All Know
The Who…
The What…
And… Then, Yes… even the When
And… The Where…
I… Walked right up to You
In what I thought was Strong and Confident… With Reasonable Care
When I Got to Your Table…
All I Could See was your Eyes
They Took me right out of my Cold and Sweaty Despair
You… were Just So Wonderful
You… were Just So Free
Nothing Else Mattered… right then
Those moments belonged to Your Eyes and Me
We… Talked for Hours and Hours
We… Laughed
You… even Cried
But… when the Night Was Over
I… knew… I Had Met My Angel
The Soul… I… know… I Could finally… Confide

Empirical Miracles
Everything… Is a Miracle
There Is A Lot of Evidence to back it Up
But… Nothing Empirical
And… If You Tell the Wrong Person
They’ll Find you… Hysterical

Miracles are Empirical
Everything Is a Miracle
What Evidence do You Have for That?
Ha! Yea Right! You’re Hysterical

Mistaken Rhymes
When You try rhyming Words
Do You ever Wonder…
If Your Rhyme has Already been Taken?
There is Probably a Good Chance
That… The Rhyme May be The Same
If They Say The Message is Too
Just… Let Them Know
You’re Mistaken
And… Then…
If They Ask You… ‘ who are You to Talk to Me Like This?’
Just Tell Them…
… Mr. C
After All…
It’s Always Better to Leave Them with a Little Mystery

New People
I… Always Get Shy when Meeting Someone Who is New
I … Never know What to Say
But… if you are Aware
There… Are a Lot of Things you Could Do
For Instance…
You Could Say, “Hey”
You Could Ask them, “how is Your Day?”
And… This Next One Might Sound Just a Little Cliché
If you Can’t Think of Anything to Say
You Could still just Walk Away

Please… Please… Understand…
Nothing Else Matters
When You Take Me By the Hands
I Don’t Even Need the Best Laid Plans
With Your Touch…
I’ve already found My Hold Land
I’d Admit it on The Witness Stand
Cause… when I’m with You
I Feel Like the Leader of the Band
On Our Way…
To the Promised Lands…
Anything You Wish…
Is My Command
So Please…
Just Take My Hands…
Let’s Live Our Lives… On Demand
Our Wishes Will Come True
We Are Like That Oasis in the Desert… Hidden Among the Many, Many Grains of Sand
Even if Everything Goes Unplanned…
Together Forever
Cause… With One Touch of Your Hands
You… Changed all My Plans
My Plans… For the Future
My Views… Of my Past
They Didn’t Mean a Thing…
Our Worlds were Ignited…
Now… I Can Rest My Head Easy
And… Find You in My Dreams
The World… Seems Much Smaller Now
Everything We’ve Always Wanted…. Is Much Closer than It Once Might have Seemed
I… Will Leave You With This… One Last Point to Make…
I Believe in Myself
Although… I Know Not Yet… All I Can Take
Speak Blessings of Your Angel When it Happens to You, Too
I Did…
Now I Am Finally Awake
When We Finally See Clear.. We know that Life is Just ‘the game’
So… Never Stop Playing…
After All…
It’s All for Making your Name

Deep Emotions
Some People…
There Emotions Just Run So Deep
They’re Not Easy to Hide
You Can Tell Who These People Are
By…. How They Make you Feel on the Inside
They Tend…
To Be…
But…. I’m Sure of That…
That You Don’t Mind

Tell Me All Your Problems
Even… After I’m Dead
I Am Forever Your Friend
Through… It… All…
Through… The… End…
So… You’ll Give Me All the Answers?
I’ll Give You What I Can

The Kiss
I See the Girls
I Know they Want me to Go in for the Kiss
The Problem is…
All the Girls I Want to Kiss…
I Lose the Guts to Do it

Be Strong
When She Died…
Everyone Told me to ‘Be Strong”
How Were they supposed to Know their Advice was so Wrong?
The Truth is…
I Have Always been Strong
I Have Been Strong… All Along
Although I Appreciate All the Advice …
That You Seem to All be Giving
For Your Sake, Though
Please Take Your Own Advice….
Just Start Living

They Only Sing to Us
They have seen Us as Equals
Ever Since They Learned…
That… We Knew…
How… they Flew

Your Name
I Saw You…
I Didn’t Know your Name, Yet
You Didn’t Know Mine
That Was Just Fine
I Learned your Name
You Learned Mine
Then… One Day it was Funny…
We Both…
Couldn’t remember a Time…
I Didn’t Know Your Name
You Didn’t know Mine

an Orphaned Wolf & a Polar Bear
A Wolf and a Bear…
That’s really Rare
It is…
But try not to Stare
I’ll bet it Happens All the Time with Them, Though
That Duo…
They Probably don’t even Care

What is a Yeroc? (Dead-end Start)
The Path for my Life Started on a Dead End
Whenever I’d Reach the Turn-Around in the Road…
It Was Always a New Place to Begin
I will never back down and Simply Give in… and Relinquish…
That’s too Easy
The Paths to Begin Again Most Often can Blend… and be Hard to Distinguish
Don’t go through This Life So Briefly
Give it Your All
Love Completely
When the Path for your Life Starts out on a Dead End…
Whenever You Reach the Turn-Around in the Road…
It Will Always be a New Place to Begin
And… When…
No Matter How Many Times…
We Would Walk to That Place…
Again and Again and Again
No Matter How Many times…
On that Particular Road…
It Would Always… still come To an End…
But… One Day…
You Decided not to Turn
To Keep Walking Through…
I Followed You
It Was of no Matter Where You were Going
It was just Something You Felt… You Needed to Do…
I’ll Never Quite Know what made Me Keep Walking that Day
Other Then…
I was Also Trying to Find Something New…
I Just wanted to… Continue… Walking Too…
The Reason…
I Had no Clue
The Path kept Going and Going
There was No Need to Turn Around
The Further we Walked into the Woods…
The Easier it Was
to Distinguish
All of Natures
Beautiful Sounds
No More Hustling and Bustling of the Cars driving By…
Just the Rustling of the Leaves on the Ground
There was Something else in the Woods with Us, too
If Only we had Knew…
It Was Late
We Were Tired
Decided to Sit Down on the Ground
I Drew a Picture of a Yeroc in My Notebook
And I Also Drew a Map of His Home Town
After Our Nap…
With Me, You, and Yeroc
This was to Be…
Our Quest to Explore
Our New Playground
Anyone Else

On the Bank
Is The Story
Of the Life
The Dreams
We Run…
We Play…
We Climb…
We Sing…
We’re Always just “swimming in the Stream”
But… Then One Day
When You Are Closest to Your Darkest Fears
And… Sinking… Moving…
Ever Closer to Your Brink
You Find…
You Can Touch the Bottom
You Can Never really Sink
Your Darkest Fears…
They Then… Will Suddenly… Cease to Be
As You Make Your way to the Bank
And… Next…
The Skies will Open up to You..
As You’re Left Wondering….
To… Thank

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