Featured stories today

The Story of Sigmund and Sinfiotli

7 min read

As Sigurd rode the ways of the forest he thought upon Sigmund, his father, on his life and his death, according to what Hiordis, his mother, had told him. Sigmund lived for long the life of the hunter and the outlaw, but he never strayed far from the forest that was in King Siggeir’s dominion. […]

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The Man and the Lion

1 min read

A Man and a Lion were companions on a journey, and in the course of conversation they began to boast about their prowess, and each claimed to be superior to the other in strength and courage. They were still arguing with some heat when they came to a cross-road where there was a statue of […]

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The Swan's Nest

3 min read

Between the Baltic and the North Sea there lies an old swan’s nest, wherein swans are born and have been born that shall never die. In olden times a flock of swans flew over the Alps to the green plains around Milan, where it was delightful to dwell. This flight of swans men called the Lombards. […]

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Sun, Moon and Talia

10 min read

It is a well-known fact that the cruel man is generally his own hangman; and he who throws stones at Heaven frequently comes off with a broken head. But the reverse of the medal shows us that innocence is a shield of fig-tree wood, upon which the sword of malice is broken, or blunts its […]

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The Song Mead

2 min read

Once there lived on earth a poet who sang songs so beautiful that all created things were charmed by them.  Two hill trolls, who hated the poet because he was noble and good, invited him to their home under ground and there killed him.  They caught his blood in two cups and mixed it with honey […]

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The Grasshopper and the Ant

1 min read

A grasshopper gay Sang the summer away, And found herself poor By the winter’s first roar. Of meat or of bread, Not a morsel she had! So a-begging she went, To her neighbour the ant, For the loan of some wheat, Which would serve her to eat, Till the season came round. “I will pay […]

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The Eight Immortals I

11 min read

There is a legend which declares that Eight Immortals dwell in the heavens. The first is named Dschung Li Kuan. He lived in the time of the Han dynasty, and discovered the wonderful magic of golden cinnabar, the philosopher’s stone. He could melt quicksilver and burn lead and turn them into yellow gold and white […]

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