Featured stories today

George with the Goat

9 min read

There was a king who had a daughter who never could be induced to laugh; she was always sad. So the king proclaimed that she should be given to anyone who could cause her to laugh. There was also a shepherd who had a son named George. He said: ‘Daddy! I, too, will go to […]

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Youth Without Age and Life Without Death

20 min read

Once upon a time something happened whose like never occurred before—if it had not happened it would not be told—since the flea had one foot shod with ninety-nine pounds of iron and jumped into the skies to get us fairy tales. There was once a mighty emperor and empress. Both were young and handsome, and […]

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The Son of Seven Mothers

19 min read

Once upon a time there lived a King who had seven wives, but no children. This was a great grief to him, especially when he remembered that on his death there would be no heir to inherit the kingdom. Now, one day, a poor old fakîr or religious devotee, came to the King and said, […]

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The Three Apprentices

7 min read

There were once three apprentices, who had agreed to keep always together while travelling, and always to work in the same town. At one time, however, their masters had no more work to give them, so that at last they were in rags, and had nothing to live on. Then one of them said, “What shall […]

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The Fatal Forget-me-not

2 min read

Three miles out from the Nahant shore, Massachusetts, rises Egg Rock, a dome of granite topped by a light-house. In the last century the forget-me-nots that grew in a little marsh at its summit were much esteemed, for it was reported that if a girl should receive one of these little flowers from her lover […]

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The Goose-Girl

13 min read

There was once upon a time an old Queen whose husband had been dead for many years, and she had a beautiful daughter. When the princess grew up she was betrothed to a prince who lived at a great distance. When the time came for her to be married, and she had to journey forth […]

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3 min read

Magbangal was a good hunter, and he often went to a certain hill where he killed wild pigs for food. One night as it was nearing the planting season, he sat in his house thinking, and after a long time he called to his wife. She came to him, and he said: “Tomorrow I shall […]

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The Vision on Mount Adams

2 min read

There are many traditions connected with Mount Adams that have faded out of memory. Old people remember that in their childhood there was talk of the discovery of a magic stone; of an Indian’s skeleton that appeared in a speaking storm; of a fortune-teller that set off on a midnight quest, far up among the […]

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