Featured stories today

Lord Tarbat's Relations

13 min read

Sir,—I heard very much, but believed very little of the second sight; yet its being assumed by several of great veracity, I was induced to make inquiry after it in the year 1652, being then confined in the north of Scotland by the English usurpers. The more general accounts of it were that many Highlanders, […]

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2 min read

The name of this town has forty-two spellings in old records, and with singular pertinacity in ill-doing, the inhabitants have fastened on it the longest and clumsiest of all. It comes from the Mohegan words Apo-keep-sink, meaning a safe, pleasant harbor. Harbor it might be for canoes, but for nothing bigger, for it was only […]

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The Big Poor People

39 min read

There was a knock at the door, and John opened it. “God save all here except the cat!” said a voice outside. “God save you kindly!” John answered. A young man and a young woman came in. They were neighbors—Peter Sullivan and his wife, Ellen. “Good avenin’ to you, Pether,” said John; “you’re lookin’ fine […]

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Sweet Pea and Sweet William

15 min read

At one time “Merrie England” was filled with fairies and other sprightly be- ings. They were so numerous and so powerful that they could do whatsoever they wished with the people that lived there. Even the nobility suffered from their strange pranks, and several instances have been recorded where they changed the destinies of Princes […]

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Kil Arthur

14 min read

There was a time long ago, and if we had lived then, we shouldn’t be living now. In that time there was a law in the world that if a young man came to woo a young woman, and her people wouldn’t give her to him, the young woman should get her death by the […]

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The Story of Princess Hase

17 min read

Many, many years ago there lived in Nara, the ancient Capital of Japan, a wise State minister, by name Prince Toyonari Fujiwara. His wife was a noble, good, and beautiful woman called Princess Murasaki (Violet). They had been married by their respective families according to Japanese custom when very young, and had lived together happily […]

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Fairy Ointment

5 min read

Dame Goody was a nurse that looked after sick people, and minded babies. One night she was woke up at midnight, and when she went downstairs, she saw a strange squinny-eyed, little ugly old fellow, who asked her to come to his wife who was too ill to mind her baby. Dame Goody didn’t like […]

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