Featured stories today

Tea Tree

3 min read

One of the Piccaninnies had a horrid adventure one day. He had heard a tui that morning singing in the Bush, and had made up his mind to speak to it, because he was sulking with the other Piccaninnies. You know they say a tui can be made to talk, but it’s hard to get […]

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Thor and Hymer

5 min read

Far down in the cool depths of the ocean dwelt Æger, the sea-god, in his shining palace.  The water lapped softly against its clear green walls. All the herds of Ran, the sea-god’s wife, played about it.  Within sat Æger on his throne, and the winds and waves, which were his children, went abroad to do […]

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The Iron Wolf

8 min read

There was once upon a time a parson who had a servant, and when this servant had served him faithfully for twelve years and upward, he came to the parson and said, “Let us now settle our accounts, master, and pay me what thou owest me. I have now served long enough, and would fain […]

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One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes

15 min read

There was once a woman who had three daughters, the eldest of whom was called One-eye, because she had only one eye in the middle of her forehead, and the second, Two-eyes, because she had two eyes like other folks, and the youngest, Three-eyes, because she had three eyes; and her third eye was also […]

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The Grey Mare in the Garret

5 min read

In the portal of the Church of the Apostles, near the new market in Cologne, hung a picture, the portraits of a certain Frau Richmodis von Aducht and her two children, of whom the following singular story is related. The picture was covered with a curtain which she worked with her own hands. Her husband, […]

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The Walnut-Tree

1 min read

A Walnut-tree, which grew by the roadside, bore every year a plentiful crop of nuts. Every one who passed by pelted its branches with sticks and stones, in order to bring down the fruit, and the tree suffered severely. “It is hard,” it cried, “that the very persons who enjoy my fruit should thus reward […]

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The Goatherd and the Wild Goats

1 min read

A Goatherd was tending his goats out at pasture when he saw a number of Wild Goats approach and mingle with his flock. At the end of the day he drove them home and put them all into the pen together. Next day the weather was so bad that he could not take them out […]

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The Ass in the Lion's Skin

1 min read

An Ass once found a Lion’s skin which the hunters had left out in the sun to dry. He put it on and went towards his native village. All fled at his approach, both men and animals, and he was a proud Ass that day. In his delight he lifted up his voice and brayed, […]

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Building the Wall

10 min read

Always there had been war between the Giants and the Gods—between the Giants who would have destroyed the world and the race of men, and the Gods who would have protected the race of men and would have made the world more beautiful. There are many stories to be told about the Gods, but the […]

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