Featured stories today

Peter Fullune and the Egg

1 min read

Once upon a time Peter Fullone, the stone-cutter, was working at the cemetery, near the church of Santo Spirito; a man passed by and said: “Peter, what is the best mouthful?” Fullone answered: “An egg;” and stopped. A year later Fullone was working in the same place, sitting on the ground and breaking stones. The […]

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Nightingale and the Rose

19 min read

“She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses,” cried the young Student; “but in all my garden there is no red rose.” From her nest in the holm-oak tree the Nightingale heard him, and she looked out through the leaves, and wondered. “No red rose in all my garden!” he […]

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Princess Rosette Part III: Family Council

3 min read

While Rosette was only occupied with smiling and pleasant thoughts, the king, the queen and the princesses Orangine and Roussette were choking with rage. They had all assembled in the queen’s apartment. “This is too horrible,” said the princesses. “Why did you send for this Rosette, who has such dazzling jewels and makes herself admired […]

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Huntsman the Unlucky

9 min read

Once upon a time there lived a huntsman. He would go every day in search of game, but it often happened that he killed nothing, and so was obliged to return home with his bag empty. On that account he was nicknamed “Huntsman the Unlucky.” At last he was reduced by his ill fortune to such […]

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Gawigawen of Adasen

14 min read

Aponibolinayen was sick with a headache, and she lay on a mat alone in her house. Suddenly she remembered some fruit that she had heard of but had never seen, and she said to herself, “Oh, I wish I had some of the oranges of Gawigawen of Adasen.” Now Aponibolinayen did not realize that she […]

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The History of Caliph Stork

23 min read

Once upon a time, on a fine afternoon, the Caliph Chasid was seated on his sofa in Bagdad: he had slept a little, (for it was a hot day,) and now, after his nap, looked quite happy. He smoked a long pipe of rosewood, sipped, now and then, a little coffee which a slave poured […]

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15 min read

There lived in the village of Miano a man and his wife, who had no children whatever, and they longed with the greatest eagerness to have an heir. The woman, above all, was for ever saying, “O heavens! if I might but have a little baby—I should not care, were it even a sprig of […]

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How Perseus Came to the Æthiops

20 min read

So Perseus flitted onward to the northeast, over many a league of sea, till he came to the rolling sand-hills and the dreary Lybian shore. And he flitted on across the desert; over rock-ledges, and banks of shingle, and level wastes of sand, and shell-drifts bleaching in the sunshine, and the skeletons of great sea-monsters, and […]

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