Featured stories today

Bohrah the Kangaroo and Dinewan the Emu

2 min read

Bohrah the kangaroo lived in a grass nyunnoo with his wife Dinewan the emu. He was a great wirreenun. One evening when Bohrah was lying down trying to sleep, Dinewan kept making holes in the roof of the nyunnoo. “What are you doing that for?” asked Bohrah. “Just for nothing,” said Dinewan. “Then get some […]

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The Hawk and the Hen

2 min read

A hawk flying about in the sky one day decided that he would like to marry a hen whom he often saw on earth. He flew down and searched until he found her, and then asked her to become his wife. She at once gave her consent on the condition that he would wait until […]

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The Boy and the Violin

6 min read

Once upon a time there was a man who had an only son. When the man died the son was left all alone in the world. There was not very much property—just a cat and a dog, a small piece of land, and a few orange trees. The boy gave the dog away to a […]

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Loki Against the Æsir

6 min read

The Æsir were the guests of the Vanir: in Frey’s palace the Dwellers in Asgard met and feasted in friendship. Odin and Tyr were there, Vidar and Vali, Niörd, Frey, Heimdall, and Bragi. The Asyniur and the Vana were also—Frigga, Freya, Iduna, Gerda, Skadi, Sif, and Nanna. Thor and Loki were not at the feast, […]

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The Mysterious Buddhist Robe

39 min read

The short visit which the Emperor Li Shih-ming paid to the Land of Shadows had produced a profound impression on his mind. The pain and misery that men had to endure there, because of the evils they had committed in this life by their own voluntary action, had been brought before him in a most […]

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Why the Stork Loves Holland

15 min read

Above all countries in Europe, this bird, wise in the head and long in the legs, loves Holland. Flying all the way from Africa, the stork is at home among dykes and windmills. Storks are seen by the thousands in Holland and Friesland. Sometimes they strut in the streets, not in the least frightened or […]

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The Story of the False Prince

47 min read

There was once an honest journeyman tailor, by name Labakan, who learned his trade with an excellent master in Alexandria. It could not be said that Labakan was unhandy with the needle; on the contrary, he could make excellent work: moreover, one would have done him injustice to have called him lazy. Nevertheless, his companions […]

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