Featured stories today

The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs

14 min read

There was once a poor woman who gave birth to a little son; and as he came into the world with a caul on, it was predicted that in his fourteenth year he would have the King’s daughter for his wife. It happened that soon afterwards the King came into the village, and no one […]

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The Man and the Wood

5 min read

A Man came into a Wood one day with an axe in his hand, and begged all the Trees to give him a small branch which he wanted for a particular purpose. The Trees were good-natured and gave him one of their branches. What did the Man do but fix it into the axe head, […]

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On the Moon

7 min read

When Shining-Eyes threw the Fire-that-never- goes-out into the sky it was only a flaming stick, but it grew rounder and wider and cooler, until at last it became a great Moon-land. It was a wonderland place. Everything gave out a golden light — mountains and lakes, rocks and trees and flowers, and even the walls […]

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The Story of Judas

3 min read

You must know that Judas was the one who betrayed Jesus Christ. Now when Judas betrayed him, his Master said: “Repent, Judas, for I pardon you.” But Judas, not at all! he departed with his bag of money, in despair and cursing heaven and earth. What did he do? While he was going along thus […]

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The Sun and the Moon

1 min read

Once the Sun and the Moon quarreled with each other, and the Sun said: “You are only the Moon and are not much good. If I did not give you light, you would be no good at all.” But the Moon answered: “You are only the Sun, and you are very hot. The women like […]

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The Watchful Servant

6 min read

There was once a prince who was going to visit his lady-love, the only daughter of a neighbouring king; and as he required the services of an attendant, he sent for his barber, who was known in the town for his very good behaviour, as well as for his eccentric ways. “Pablo,” said the prince, […]

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