Best New Fairy Tale Competition


We celebrated the launch of our self-publishing platform with our first competition, Best New Fairy Tale. The competition is now closed and ran from the 13th of June till the 15th of August. The winner was Karina Kamelia by Victoria Rivas, who wrote a lovely fable about a girl who loves flowers. The runners-up were the enchanting stories by the following authors:

Templeton Moss, The Witch Who Fell in Love

Dan Ben Matthews, The Ladyroach,

Giovanni Cirilo, The Princess and the Bear

Tiffany Seng, The Cat’s Bride .

 The Winner received: 

  • Active promotion across all of Fairytalez’s social networks¨
  • A digital winner badge published with your story and on your profile page
  • A digital winner badge for your blog or website
  • A $300 gift certificate to

The Four finalists received:

  • Active promotion across all of Fairytalez’s social networks
  • A digital runner-up badge published with your story and on your profile page
  • A digital runner-up badge for your blog or website

How to Get Started with Fairytalez’ Writing Competitions

  • Register: First, create a profile at Don’t forget to customize it with images, website links and more. There are no fees associated with creating an account nor is there a fee to enter.
  • Upload: Upload your story to the new self-publishing platform, putting it in the appropriate category.
  • Submit: Submit your story (or stories) for consideration in the writing competition once the competition is live. Stories must be minimum 300 words and maximum 5000 words.
  • Share: Share your story link with all of your friends and family!


Enter the Competition

Submit your story, once uploaded, here. Paste the story URL in the box below.

Competition is closed. Thank You

Entries in Competition