- A Backwards Fairytale
- A Bad Day
- A Hedgehog Who Loved the Fog
- A Koala in Russia
- A Perfect Match
- A Quiet Boy
- Adelaide
- Alice and the Needle
- Ant In His Pant
- Hans and Greta
- Healing Butterfly
- How the Fairy Godfather Got Cinderella to the Ball
- How the Oysters got their Pearls
- Rapunzel
- Tackling Giants
- Tale of a Street Dog
- The Aftermath
- The Ballad of Sir Vivian and Emmy the Scary
- The Biscuit Man and the Wedding Cake Bride
- The Boy Who Had Lost His Voice
- The Bunnies and the School Teacher
- The Cranberry Cruise
- The Crone's Sore Feet
- The Eleventh Puppet
- The Flying King
- The Forgetful Elephant
- The King's Witch
- The Knight of the Fish
- The Lion and the Frog
- The Man In The Moon
- The Monkey's Heart
- The Night of a Thousand Hours
- The Penguin Prince
- The Prince and the Diddler
- The Princess and the Dragon
- The Princess Who Never Smiled
- The Proud Hen
- The Real Princess
- The Rooster in the Kingdom of Arrorn
- The Sword Tree
- The Trickster, a body shame solution
- The Unlucky Shepherdess
- The Witch and the Little Prince
- The Witch Who Fell In Love
- The Witch's Scrapbook